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Free Podometic Indian Maths eBooks

Namaste friend. As you may know, I quit my career and sold my house to finance find and fix India’s maths. At the moment I work 80 hours a week to transform India’s primary level maths education. I do this by giving free lectures on the lost foundational ideas of Bharatiya (ancient Indian) maths. Yet, only so many people can attend a lecture.

That’s why I’m writing a series of free eBooks. These eBooks will be sold outside of India as digital downloads. I am donating all my research and eBooks for children as a thank-you gift for India. ZERO as a number was given to the world by India, which unfortunately got lost in translation! So it only seems fair to give every child in India the opportunity to learn or re-learn how Āryabhaṭa and Brahmagupta might have wanted their descendants to learn about the elementary primary-level maths they created.

Podometic Free eBook Release Schedule for India*

Class 1  December 2020 | Class 2 February 2021 | Class 3 April 2021 | Class 4 June 2021 | Class 5 August 2021 | Class 6 October 2021 | Class 7 December 2021 *

  • Subject to change due to COVID-19.

9 thoughts on “Free eBooks”

  1. My son is in Class 3 He loves Maths till now. Would love to take your guidance so that his love for the subject grows He feels bored in attending his school maths class as he already knows those topics. I fear this boredom may kill his interest. Can you pls help

  2. Namasthe, I have been following all your tweets. Great fan of yours. Eagerly waiting to learn the Bharathiya Manths. Thanks a lot for your dedication and effort in making it reach to the common people of Bharath

    1. Namasthe, I have been following all your tweets. Great fan of yours. Eagerly waiting to learn the Bharathiya Maths. Thanks a lot for your dedication and effort in making it reach to the common people of Bharath

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