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Free eCourse then eBook

Registration confirmed!

Boom! You’re officially confirmed and on the list. You can expect to receive the link for your free Fast Maths Anxiety Fix eCourse followed by the free eBook either on or shortly after 16 July 2021.

IMPORTANT! It’s a wise idea to rebuild your maths/mind and learn NEW IDEAS with a friend.

So feel welcome to share this link with them >>

Thank you and stay safe!
Jonathan J. Crabtree
Founder: Podometic Bharatiya Maths

10 thoughts on “Free eCourse then eBook”

  1. Thank u sir… My apology for my govt. Is not looking in it. As we know bhartiya maths is always underestimated …

  2. Thank you, Ambrish and Balvir. The first step will be the 7-Day Course after which you will be able to download the eBook. In the meantime, please share the registration link with friends. They will appreciate the opportunity to get many unique Podometic Bharatiya Maths ideas that will shock them with their simplicity and explanatory power. Right now, all this is worth ₹1,10,400 (US$1481) yet it won’t by FREE for much longer. So please share the registration link below


  3. hi Jonathan,today i faced a situation where i had to tell my child in 4th Grade that one CAN subtract a positive number from a bigger negative number but because of the education system , the child was “Stuck” with the explanation given in school that “one cannot subtract a bigger (+) number from a smaller (-) irrespective of the magnitude. Looking forward to your Bharatiya content and spreading it.

  4. Dhirendra Dutt Mishra

    Thank you, I have registered

    I am a hindi speaker so it is a humble request if the e-book can be made available in hindi so it would be more convenient for hindi speakers and I can further share the same with my colleagues.

  5. Thank you being so passionate about Bharat & Bhartiya Mathematics.
    And heartfelt gratitude for spreading it through your social media accounts.
    Wishing you great success ahead Mr Jonathan.

  6. Waiting for your course.May be something amazing . When you start the online lecture? Please mention the date as soon as possible.
    Thanks in advance.
    Naran Patel

    1. Likely this Sunday or Monday Naran. Make sure you check your email client’s spam/promotions folder if you don’t see an email from me. Best wishes, Guru Jonathan

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