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Sign the Petition to Teach Indian Maths!

Many if not most fear school maths. Why? Indian Maths was built for …-3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3… based on science & looking to the stars 628 CE. British Maths was built for 1, 2, 3… based on Ancient Greek philosophy & looking to the ground 300 BCE.

So, the maths education ideas the British Empire spread throughout its settlements and colonies were based on ideas that were almost 1000 years out-of-date! You update your computer’s operating system every few years. You might also update your phone every few years.

As a historian with decades of learning and research, it’s OBVIOUS to me why the world dislikes British primary level maths education. MANY TEACHING IDEAS ARE WRONG!!! The West updated its numerals from the Roman ‘MCMLXXXIX’ to ‘1989’ (the year my son James was born). Yet my research (download PDF here) reveals the West NEVER updated its thinking from the 7th Century about the true meaning of India’s zero and negative numbers! That’s truly bizarre! So bridges didn’t fall down, many laws and rules were invented to FORCE answers to have the correct answer. Let that sink in a moment. Many laws and rules of maths we were told to memorise at school were actually workarounds and bug fixes needed to fix broken maths foundations.

So please CLICK HERE to sign the petition now!

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