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Your next step…

Please look NOW for the email in your inbox

From: Jonathan J. Crabtree <>
Subject: Almost done … Confirm your eBook & eCourse Registration

Then click the green button in the email to complete the process.

The email will look like this.

Finally, make sure you add the email to your White List or Address Book, or ‘star it’ to ensure the next important message gets through to you.

Thank you and stay safe,
Jonathan J. Crabtree
Podometic Bharatiya Maths Founder
Fast Maths Fix Experience Creator

6 thoughts on “Your next step…”

    1. Jonathan J. Crabtree

      Thank you, Samir. The first step will be the 7-Day Course after which you will be able to download the eBook. In the meantime, please share the registration link with friends. They will appreciate the opportunity to get many unique Podometic Bharatiya Maths ideas that will shock them with their simplicity and explanatory power. Right now, all this is worth ₹1,10,400 (US$1481) yet it won’t by FREE for much longer. So please share the registration link


  1. You are on the mission of a great cause… May God lighten up you path with success….

    Will wait for my copy eagerly….


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